Friday 8 September 2017

Gay in Aussie footy? - video (The Feed)

I'm starting to get the feeling that much of Australia has our back in this postal survey. The pressure has been on for parliament to act for years. Perhaps the vote will become a watershed of love and acceptance for us?

Footy/sport has never interested me darlings. I have these horrifying memories of being forced to play rugby league in New Zealand when in primary school. I wasn't taught any rules but apparently they were imparted to me at birth as I was a Kiwi. I was a very skinny slight kid and had no idea WTF was going on in front of me. Once I actually got the ball and was clobbered in about 2 seconds.

But yes there actually are gay footy players.

The gov has put us through the wringer over this. There is much anger and rage in our community over it, not to mention the pain they're causing to our most vulnerable. I hope fellow Australians understand this and stick it to the gov with a big yes vote. Nobody deserves to be treated like the gov is treating us now. Nobody.


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